Freshwater sharks

The Best Shark species for freshwater aquariums

Having a freshwater aquarium at home is always a fun and rewarding experience. Adding a shark can make the experience even more exciting. But with so many species of sharks and all the considerations for setting up a tank, it can be hard to decide which shark species is best suited for freshwater aquariums. In this blog, we will explore the best species of shark for freshwater aquariums, what to consider when choosing a shark species, setting up a tank, and taking care of them properly.

Types of sharks suitable for freshwater

There are quite a few species of shark that can make a suitable addition to any home freshwater aquarium. The most common aquatic sharks are the Balas, Red Tail, and Rainbows. Bala sharks are also known as “silver sharks”, and they have a long, slender body and silver stripes along their sides. These sharks grow relatively slowly and can reach a maximum size of 10 to 12 inches. Red Tail Sharks are distinguished by their bright red tail and they can reach a length of 7 to 8 inches. Rainbow Sharks have a distinct red-orange color that distinguishes them from other species. These sharks can reach a maximum size of 8 to 9 inches.

Bala Sharks

Bala Shark
Bala Shark

Bala sharks are one of the most popular species of freshwater aquarium shark, due to their peaceful nature and beautiful silver shimmer. They are a very active species and require a lot of space to swim around. It’s advisable to keep them in groups of at least three, although larger groups can be kept as well. Bala sharks prefer a warm water temperature of around 75 to 81 degrees Fahrenheit and they require a pH level of 6.5 to 7.5. They are omnivorous sharks, so they need a balanced diet consisting of both live and frozen foods. It’s important to feed them small amounts of food several times a day.

Red Tail Sharks

RedTail Shark
Redtail Shark

Red Tail Sharks are a more aggressive species of freshwater aquarium shark. They have distinct red tails, which is why they are known as red tails. While they are still considered a peaceful species, they are also territorial and may become aggressive towards other tank mates. For this reason, they should not be kept with smaller fish or invertebrates. Red Tail Sharks prefer a water temperature of 74-79 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH level between 6.0 – 7.5. They are omnivores, so they need a balanced diet that consists of both plant and animal matter. It’s important to feed them a variety of foods including live and frozen meaty foods and algae wafers. They also need plenty of hiding places in the aquarium to help reduce aggression.

Rainbow Sharks

Rainbow Shark
Rainbow shark

Rainbow Sharks are a vibrant, active species that are very popular among freshwater aquarium owners. They have an attractive orange and black color pattern along with a noticeable red dorsal fin. They are semi-aggressive, so they should not be kept with smaller or more peaceful species. Rainbow Sharks require a tank size of at least 55 gallons and they prefer a water temperature of 75-80 degrees Fahrenheit and a pH level between 6.5 – 7.5. They are omnivores, so they need a balanced diet that consists of both plant and meaty foods. They should be fed a variety of live and frozen foods, as well as algae wafers. They also need plenty of hiding places in the aquarium to reduce aggression.

What to consider when choosing a freshwater shark for your aquarium

When choosing a shark for a freshwater aquarium, there are a few important factors to consider.

Size of aquarium

The size of the aquarium and the shark species you plan to keep should be taken into account. While some species may prefer a larger tank, other species may do well in smaller tanks. It’s important to understand the size requirements of the species you are interested before setting up your tank.

Water Temperature

The water temperature is an essential factor to consider when selecting a freshwater shark. Most species don’t do well in cold water, so a warmer environment is ideal. The temperature should be maintained between 74 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit, depending on the species. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the water parameters are stable and there is enough oxygen for the shark’s gills to function properly.


The availability of food is another factor to consider when choosing a species of shark. Some species can be very finicky eaters, so it’s important to make sure that sufficient food sources are available. Live foods, such as small crustaceans, should always be on hand. Other species may prefer shrimp, worms, and bloodworms. Frozen foods, such as brine shrimp and frozen fish, can provide a convenient and nutritious alternative. A variety of foods should be offered to ensure the shark is getting a balanced diet.

The health of the species of shark

Finally, the health of the species should be assessed before adding a shark to the tank. Sharks have very sensitive skin and are prone to various diseases and parasites. It’s important to check the fish for any signs of sickness or parasites and treat it, if necessary, before introducing it to the tank. It’s always advisable to quarantine the fish for a few weeks, even if it appears to be healthy. write a introduction to setting up a tank for freshwater shark fish

Setting up a freshwater tank

Setting up a tank for freshwater sharks can be an exciting yet daunting task. It’s important to keep in mind the size and shape of the tank, the type of substrate, and the type of filtration system. In addition, providing adequate hiding places, such as plants and rocks, is essential for the comfort and health of the shark. With the proper setup, a freshwater aquarium can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience.

size and shape of the tank

The size and shape of the tank is an important factors to consider when setting up a freshwater shark tank. Depending on the species, they can reach lengths of up to 18 inches and require an adequate amount of space to swim. Sharks also prefer deeper tanks, so the tank should measure at least 30 inches in height. Additionally, it’s preferable to avoid rectangular aquariums, as round or circular-shaped tanks provide more natural swimming areas.


A substrate is an important aspect of setting up a freshwater shark tank. Choosing the right substrate can help keep the tank clean and maintain the oxygen level, as some substrates are better at aerating the water. Sand and gravel are the most common substrates for freshwater aquariums and can be added to provide depth and an aesthetically pleasing look. However, it’s important to use a finer, rounded substrate to avoid any sharp edges that could injure the sharks.


A good filtration system is essential for a healthy shark tank, as it helps maintain clean water and reduce the build-up of toxic substances. The filter should be able to accommodate the size and number of sharks in the tank and should be able to cycle the water several times an hour. Canister filters are ideal for shark tanks, as they can provide stronger filtration than a hang-on-back filter. Additionally, it’s important to replace the filter media regularly to keep the water clear and healthy.


Choosing the appropriate decorations for a freshwater shark tank is also important. Sharks need plenty of hiding places to feel secure and avoid aggression, so it’s important to provide them with sufficient cover. Live plants can be a great addition to the tank, as they provide hiding places and help keep the water oxygenated. Some artificial plants can also be used, but it’s important to make sure that they won’t snag the sharks’ fins or skin. Rocks, ornaments, and driftwood can also provide hiding spots for the sharks and be used to give the aquarium a natural look.

taking care of freshwater sharks

Once the tank is set up and the sharks are in the tank, it’s important to provide them with proper care and maintenance. Sharks require a balanced diet, so it’s important to feed them small amounts of high-quality food several times a day. Live foods, such as small crustaceans, worms, and frozen foods should always be on hand. Additionally, it’s important to monitor the water quality and check for any signs of disease or parasites. Regular water changes should also be done to keep the water clean and the tank healthy. With proper care and maintenance, Sharks can make a great addition to any home freshwater aquarium.

recommended feeding

Sharks require a balanced diet in order to remain healthy. It’s important to provide them with a variety of live, frozen, and dry foods. Live foods, such as small crustaceans, worms, and insect larvae, should be served several times a week. Additionally, frozen foods, such as shrimp and fish, can provide a convenient alternative. They should also be offered dried foods, such as algae wafers and cichlid flakes. It’s important to feed only small amounts at a time and remove any uneaten food to avoid water contamination.

monitoring water quality

With any aquarium, it’s important to monitor the water quality to keep the water clean and healthy for the inhabitants. It’s important to regularly test the water for ammonia, nitrates, phosphates, pH, and nitrites. Doing regular water changes and removing uneaten food will also help keep the water clean. Additionally, it’s important to ensure that the water temperature and pH are within acceptable levels for the species of shark.

check for diseases and parasites

Sharks are prone to illnesses and parasites, so it’s important to regularly check them for any signs of disease or parasites. Sharks can be particularly susceptible to ich, a parasitic disease that can be very contagious. If any signs of illness or parasites are detected, it’s important to treat the fish immediately to prevent the spread of the disease. Quarantining the fish for a few weeks can also help reduce any unnecessary stress for the other inhabitants of the tank.


There are a variety of species of sharks that can make a suitable addition to any freshwater aquarium. When deciding on a species, it’s important to consider factors such as the size of the aquarium, the water temperature, and the availability of food. Setting up a tank for a freshwater shark is an exciting but important task that requires careful consideration of size, substrate, filtration, and decoration. Taking proper care of freshwater sharks is also an important part of the process, as they require a balanced diet and regular checks for diseases and parasites. With the proper research and care, a freshwater shark can be a rewarding and enjoyable addition to any home aquarium.